Saturday, August 28

woes of FOOD

I found out that Nutella isn't completely great for me to eat - and not in the fat calorie counting way. Apparently the whey powder they use is derived from rennet. Probably not vegetarian, and definitely not vegan.
(8/29. The whey is actually derived from milk, so it is okay for vegetarians. just prematurely freaked out, no biggggie. but it IS A BIGGIE FOR VEGANS, even 30 day ones.)
Which, by the way, I am pledging to become for the month of September. I have always toyed around with the idea of veganism in my head, but refuted it because I suck at eating my peas and carrots (what is this called? This crossword puzzle told me that there is a word that means it. Perrots?)

What started this idea?
My mom brought home vegan mayonnaise.

Is this going to work?

YES. I will not succumb and eat dairy, or whatever else that doesn't constitute as being vegan.

Oh, and I'm watching Young and Vanished. It is intriguing, and sad.

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